Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blogging Return

As you can see over the last month, I have been dead in a lacking-spirited-sense with my blog but boy was my blogging break really, really good. But now with most of my assessments handed in (even though I still have 4 final exams to prepare for early next month eeek!), but I can finally come back to blogging at my usual pace and I feel so relieved because I actually missed blogging. But then again . . . I also didn't miss  blogging because I could go sleep without my blogging OCD hanging over my head all the time among other book-related things.

Anyway, I'm back and I'm ready to blog so be prepared for more book reviews this coming week because I have quite a lot to share with you all starting with today!

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  1. Welcome back! Blogging breaks can be really nice. I've enjoyed the ones I've taken this year. But it's also really nice to get back.

    1. Thanks! It's nice coming back refreshed I must say. :)

  2. Yay, happy to see you're back! Glad you enjoyed your break (and that most of your assessments are handed in! Good luck with the exams). Looking forward to your reviews :).

  3. Welcome back! I'm happy to hear that you had a good break :)


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